Saturday, May 29, 2010


While we were visiting my parents (actually the same day we found out we had a birth mom) - we decided to look around at some cars and see if maybe we could get a good deal and trade in our beautiful BYU-blue truck. Our truck was the first vehicle that Brandon and I bought together, but it had one problem - the back seat was barely big enough for our nephews, let alone a car seat.We went to Bob's Fine Cars (probably the BEST dealership in the WORLD!) and he gave us an amazing deal on our truck and we were able to purchase a 2009 Kia Sportage. We actually pretty much made the decision to buy it 30 minutes before I met with our birthmom for the first time. Isn't it crazy how you make a decision based on faith and sometimes our hopes can happen immediately and sometimes they can take years or never happen at all - but one thing is for sure - everything happens for a reason.


  1. Nice car! We had one of them as a rental while in Nebraska. It was really nice and comfortable.

  2. one of the best lessons in faith I ever heard was if you are really believing for something, your actions should be as if you had already received it. sounds like you guys were right on top of that one! congrats :)
