Saturday, May 29, 2010

FBI Background Checks, Due Date & Gender!

After 4 months and 2 weeks, we finally got our FBI background checks back!!! It only took what seemed like forever, but I am glad that we are one step closer to our home study being completed. Our caseworker will now type up a report on us and everything he has observed when he met with us in our individual and joint interviews, and when he walked through our house. He said that will only take him about half a day - then I believe our home study is done and our profile is officially available!
So for those that don't already know, our baby is due around October 28th! We are about 95% sure that is going to be a GIRL! Boy or girl, we are excited either way - we even went to Target and actually registered today. I had done it online a few months back, but that was when we thought we might not know the gender until the day before we went to pick a baby up. We are absolutely thrilled at becoming parents and having our wonderful birthmom and her family in our lives forever - we are very blessed.


While we were visiting my parents (actually the same day we found out we had a birth mom) - we decided to look around at some cars and see if maybe we could get a good deal and trade in our beautiful BYU-blue truck. Our truck was the first vehicle that Brandon and I bought together, but it had one problem - the back seat was barely big enough for our nephews, let alone a car seat.We went to Bob's Fine Cars (probably the BEST dealership in the WORLD!) and he gave us an amazing deal on our truck and we were able to purchase a 2009 Kia Sportage. We actually pretty much made the decision to buy it 30 minutes before I met with our birthmom for the first time. Isn't it crazy how you make a decision based on faith and sometimes our hopes can happen immediately and sometimes they can take years or never happen at all - but one thing is for sure - everything happens for a reason.

Friday, May 21, 2010

I don't even know where to begin...

I don't even know where to begin . . . Last week I talked with my mom and she told me about one of their friends whose daughter was pregnant and thinking about adoption. She wanted to talk with us and it just so happened (amazingly enough) that Brandon and I were driving down to California to spend a week with my parents - so I told my mom that I would love to meet her while we were down there. I was really excited to be able to talk with a birthmother and get to see her side of adoption and maybe help her in anyway I could - my whole thought going into it was that I just hoped someone was helping our birthmother and being her friend through this.

I met with her by myself on Tuesday, May 18th. We went for a drive and had a good chat. With everything, I try not to get my hopes up too much - but I felt so comfortable with her and it was hard not to. Even now I can't even think straight about how it happened - this amazing young woman asked if we would like to adopt her baby. Words can't even describe how I felt - just shocked, but excited! We had parked at a little parking lot overlooking the ocean and when I went to start the truck up again - it wouldn't start. Yup, the battery was dead. It was actually kind of funny and luckily she called a friend and he came and jumped our truck - phew! Calm under pressure? Check!
What's amazing is how you can love someone that you have just met. She is giving us a gift that we never would be able to have without her. She will be a part of our family forever, no matter what happens. She says that she felt from the beginning that this baby belonged to someone else, how amazing is that? I never thought I could feel so many emotions at one time. With adoption, it all comes down to the baby and what is best for them - in our case, we are looking forward to an open adoption and that just brings more family to love this child.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Garage Sale - Take 2

We had another garage sale yesterday and it was a super success! It was at my brother's house (they were having a neighborhood yard sale) and although it wasn't as big as our last one, it was still a success. My nephews even sold cookies to donate to our adoption fund - It was a lot of fun! We just wanted to make enough money to put us at our halfway point money wise and...WE DID IT! We are officially just over halfway to our goal. It's been a lot of work and we still have much more work to get done, but we feel so blessed. We are continually in awe at how generous people can be.
It's been a stressful and emotional couple of weeks for myself. We have been waiting for our FBI background checks to come back and this is the last thing we are waiting for before our profile officially goes online. I have been worried that maybe the application was lost and we would have to start the process all over again. It feels like we are so close and I can almost see the finish line in the distance. Then, yesterday we got a letter from the FBI saying we had paid with the wrong form of payment - apparently you can't pay with personal check. oops! So tomorrow we will fax in our credit card information and hopefully (fingers crossed) the background checks will be sent back within the next two weeks.
For those that don't already know, Brandon and I are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We believe that families can be together not only in this life, but for the Eternities. We are looking forward to being together with our family forever. We printed out a picture similiar to the one posted below for our babies room - so we can always remember what we are striving for. We have to continue to strengthen each other and live to the fullest each day. We see those around us that are struggling with the loss of loved ones and we know that they will be able to see those they love again. Brandon and I are striving each day to become better people so we can be the best parents we know how to our baby.