Thursday, December 10, 2009

The beginning...

Brandon and I recently decided to put in our paperwork for an adoption with LDS Family Services (LDSFS). This hasn't been a decision that we just decided on a whim. We had thought about it two years ago, but it did not feel like the right time. We have been trying to get pregnant for 7 years now. The reasons are various why it didn't work out, but I was recently told by my doctor that we can get pregnant, but for some reason I am not. Who knows if it is stress or whatever, all we know is that we are ready to start our family. We decided not to go through all the different procedures people can go through to conceive such as pills, shots, invitro, etc. Anyone that knows me, knows I don't do very well with doctors, I am amazed I have gotten this far - I applaud those that can go through that, but I KNOW I don't have the strength in me at this moment to go through the physical and emotional stress that would cause. Maybe further down the road, but for now, we have made another decision.

We had always wanted to adopt at least one or two children regardless if we couldn't have our "own". A few weeks ago Brandon told me, "who says our first can't be adopted, whether we have them or adopt them, we will be a family." How lucky am I, to have a husband as amazing as he is, he makes all my dreams come true.

We are starting this blog to help those around us understand what we are going through, why we are doing what we are doing and maybe educate others on the adoption process. Brandon & I are very private people, but we look forward to sharing this experience with all of our friends and family - with an added bonus of a beautiful baby in the end! I want our children to know that we love them and we tried so hard to bring them into our lives. We plan to take this journey slowly. We are making the conscience decision to enjoy every step. I know at times it will feel difficult, but I am an optimist.

After we spoke with LDSFS, we received our paperwork and mailed it in about a week ago. We gave them a list of references and now we wait until they have all mailed in their letters, plus most importantly, our Bishop has to mail in a letter verifying our activity in the church and that we are Temple worthy. So that is where we are right now, then we will do an interview in our home with a representative from LDSFS - mainly to verify that we didn't lie or anything on our application. Oh yeah, and we still need to tell our families. The only ones that know right now are the people we put down as references on our application. We plan to tell our families at Christmas. I am so excited & nervous. We pray all goes well in this process. We feel blessed where we are at and look forward to many more blessings to come.

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you and the decision you have made! Adoption is such a wonderful thing. I am somewhat familiar with the modern adoption process as my mother-in-law is adopting her great-granddaughter, and as the prospective backup guardian (should she die before her new daughter reaches 18), she invited me to attend the informational meetings with her. It was very educational, and I got to meet and talk with several young prospective-adoptee couples. My support and prayers are with you both!
